DS 605
FEP Powder (DS605) lining of valve and piping, electrostatic spraying
FEP Powder DS605 is the copolymer of TFE and HFP,the bonding energy between its carbon and fluorine atoms is so high, and the molecule is completely filled with fluorine atoms, with good thermal stability,outstanding chemical inertness,good electrical insulation,and low coefficient of friction,and moistureenabling thermoplastic processing methods for processing. FEP maintains its physical properties in extreme environments.It provides excellent chemical and permeation resistance including exposure to weathering, light.FEP has a lower melt viscosity than PTFE,it can make a pinhole-free coating film,it is suitable for anti-corrosion linings.It can be mixed with PTFE powder,to improve the machining performance of PTFE.
Conformable with Q/0321DYS003